Nov 17, 2023
Fluid Control

Toggle Control
With Multi we’re trying to bring powerful multiplayer features to everyday collaboration. One such feature is shared control, which early users told us is powerful but also potentially intrusive. So our first design emphasized sharer confidence in what permissions they'd granted.
However, control felt frustratingly clunky. For instance, switching to drawing meant re-requesting permission to control. Now it’s more fluid: It’s a toggleable tool for viewers, and the sharer has more explicit affordances for who has permission.

Push Control
When sharing content, you can now pass control to a teammate without waiting for them to request control.

Control Allowlist
Give frequent collaborators the permission to control without requiring approval.
Fixes & Improvements
Added support for sharing the "move" cursor.
Added support for Keyboard Navigation in the call controls.
Deprecated the experimental Share Desktop Audio feature because it was unreliable.
Fixed an issue where call controls would not automatically appear when joining a direct call.
Fixed an issue where double-pressing Shift would toggle from control to drawing.
Fixed an issue where the app checked for updates too frequently.
Fixed an issue with shared control keystroke mapping across keyboard layouts, when a modifier key was held.
Fixed issues where audio or video would stop working after a network disconnection.
Fixed memory leaks.
Polished many small UI details.
Reduced CPU usage for incoming camera and screenshare video by 5%.
Switched screen capture pipeline to use ScreenCaptureKit on macOS 12.3+. Look out for new features building on this.